Sprinkled over a Saturday and Sunday, we prepped the pistons. I never imagined how much goes into making sure every ring around the piston is in the right spot. Nor can I imagine working on an engine WHILE IT'S STILL IN THE CAR!!! I'm spoiled right now with the space we have to work... Mechanics are underrated!!!
We matched up the first couple rod bearings to the specs and called it good saving us about 2 hours. I got to get my hands dirty a little under Larry's supervision. Placed some rings around the pistons, lube job, pounding in the pistons and things like that. Before we put the pistons in the cylinders we lubed them with STP oil treatment. The engine will be sitting for a couple months so we want it not to rust.
Once we got the pistons in we mapped out what needs to happen next.
My dad has been sanding on the drivers side rear panel getting that smooth. I spent about an hour today doing my part. Much to go on that sanding. My arm is either going to be in "Arnold" shape or just completely fall off....
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