Monday, February 22, 2010

Holley Carb

 In the beginning all the talk was about Edlebrock.  As time went by and I went through various chats and started listening to the old school guys about power, my attention was shifted to Holley.  My first search was to find an old school Holley Street Dominator, and with the help of eBay I found one gently used.  Then, being someone who likes to match as best I could, I want to set a Holly carb on a Holley intake.  My cousin Larry always spoke highly of the Holley Truck Avenger he has on his Jeep, so I looked into the Holley Street Avenger for my car.  After collecting and saving change, along with monthly allowances from my love, I purchased a 670 Holley Street Avenger.  And since I was in the ordering mood I ordered my Mopar air filter too. I had to match the valve covers and the air filter.......  right?

Looks like you need something to cool you off

I've been window shopping radiators.  I know with an old muscle car the radiator is one of the main components to keeping her alive and away from the backyard musuem.  Radiators can cost a pretty penny for a good one, so I was in no rush.  Then my cousin Larry started talking about how he had a custom 5 core racing radiator built for his Ram Charger.  We just joked around about it at first, but the next thing I know we have a tape measure in hand and numbers are being tossed around.  Could it work? 
The radiator has been quietly sitting in his Ram Charger for a bit.  The Ram Charger calls its home the forest where it was parked this last summer.  It looks rough, but it has all the goodies with a 360 under the hood that will crank over without hesitation.  So we went to investigate.
After a pee incident, a couple cigars, and running the numbers again twice over, we removed the radiator and it headed for its new home in Rusty.

Heater Core

What was suppose to be a simple replacement turned out to be a rust party...  We had to remove the whole heater assembly to get to the heater core.  When we took the assembly off you can see in the picture we had rust.  BUT it was 90% surface rust, not rot holes.  On the back of the assembly was a rot hole and we treated it the best we could there .   We were thinking we were going to find a nest or something in there, but nothing.  I sanded off what I could see and painted the metal around, then we slapped it back on with a new heater core.  My wife is lucky we did this because she would have got a mouth full of rust the first time she tried the heater!!

Beginning of the headliner

The headliner was not one thing we were looking forward to doing.  I've heard they were a nightmare. Turns out they are!!  From cutting the bows sleeves, to making sure all the bows in the car were in the right spot (they are all specific to where they go), and then trying to stretch it in the car.  It was not fun, and we are not done.  We have it held up in place, but I'm missing the back trim pieces to finish it out, and ofcourse Paddock has them on back order right now...  We'll come back to this later.