Sunday, March 27, 2011

Whew.. 69 Grill Paint Done

Flashback to yesterday...

And now today.

Ok, first off painter's tape STINKS!!! Getting the tape to stick was the hardest part. It wasn't very hard to get this grill a new coat of paint. However, it took some time. Be ready on this part, cause unforeseen circumstances pop up quicker than a stiffy on prom night...

I was applying two coats of everything throughout the day. It isn't perfect, or show quality for the experienced guys, but it is so awesome to have it done (besides the chrome). I'm in love with this thing. I mean I did basically took a shower with it. It has given me an emotional boost to get rolling even more on the car. As soon as the sun warms the air a bit more my dad and I can really start replacing metal. On the bonus side, the car doesn't really smell like smoke anymore.

(The R/T emblem is just temporary. I can't find my new arrow emblem. Can't remember if it was in the garage and burnt up in the fire..)

Grill 2.. Colors

The main part of the grill is getting the black first. This is suggested because the grey is easier to tape off I guess. This is my first time restoring a grill ( like the car) so it's all new to me.

The headlight doors here took a shower and were brushed with a toothbrush. Primer will go next for them.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Grill painting

I would have loved just to slap the grill I have for Rusty on there right away. However, I figured now that I have time I might as well paint it back clean. I searched forums far and even further to find paint that would look good. After many suggestions I bought Krylon Dull Aluminum 1403 for the silver, and Krylon Black Satin 1613 for the black.

I'm so thankful that when I bought Marley (the 68 Charger) the deal came with a 69 grill. It saved me searching and spending a ton more. I love the grill on this car. Can't wait to put it on the car.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Console paint

After getting the very back piece fixed, it was time to start spraying the rest of the console. Nothing special here, just black paint.

Currently working on front grill paint and clean-up. To be continued....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

2 tires get a bath

Nice brand new tires, two of which get blown out from that blasted fire. The other two, which came from the passenger side away from the main fire, just had some nasty soot. Ofcourse when I bought them they were nice with crisp white lettering. Today started a long process of cleaning the salvageable ones. With some tire bleach spray, warm water, and SOS pads my dad and I went to work. They are not done, but they are on there way.

Air cleaner cleaning

A bunch of grime clung to the air cleaner there and tried to claim that spot forever. My buddy "steel wool" pushed those plans aside.

The first battle was actually getting the filter off. You would have thought that filter came factory welded after the fire. A simple putty knife and some muscle, (granny muscle really) allowed me to free the filter. Once that was off I scrubbed like crazy with the putty knife again and finished with the steel wool. I really like seeing the clean filter again. It's like seeing a pretty lady (like my wife... *wink*) in a new bra... Gives me just enough to look at to make my blood get excited.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Console repair

Since the fire I have been frantically trying to locate the big interior items for low money. I continually found the items, but the price tag that came with them didn't include the vasoline... A decent console for the car ranged from 350.00 to 500.00!! After searching I almost just said forget it and go without, but I really liked my console and the way it looked in the car. I did end up finding one on eBay for under 80.00, but the back piece was in pieces. I figured I could just put more elbow grease into this project and save the money. Here is the back part. This was a three day process for the JB Weld to dry. I'll throw some black paint around it and we'll be good.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Driver's door replacement

Tonight after work I had a few minutes that could devote to Rusty. I took the door handles, mirror, and lock cylinder off. My dad has been a big fan of the shaved door look, so I'll stay true to that.

I had a little more paint to snake off as well. Just to mention, it appears I'll have to exchange the window crank because this one won't jack the window up or down. Ofcourse it wouldn't work like my original Rusty doors. Grrrrrr!!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Engine crud

Man that engine use to look so clean. It's a terrible sight seeing " The Traveller" in this condition. I bought some carb cleaner, brake cleaner, steel wool, and went to work around the top. My dad and I went in and tried to clean everything we possibly could. It was nice to see some of that metal clean again. I'll have to touch up the engine paint and repaint the bolts again, but I want it to be a nice clean engine again.

Front clip primer

After blasting the front clip I metal prepped it and threw primer on there.

Letting it set for a week til I could work on her again, the gloss paint went on next. I'll get to work on the grill once I get some other things done.