In she goes... We hooked it up, aligned the motor mounts, took the engine back out, strapped the 727 Torqueflite up, jacked it up and.... noticed the flywheel was lining up. So, we disconnected the tranny, took off the flywheel (it came from the motor home) and almost called it a day. Larry then had an idea that he could see if one of his many motors he has sitting around (Mopar, Jeep, and Chevy blocks) and see what we could find. We went straight to his Chrysler 400 block, climbed over a Jeep just to get to it, and took it off. To the eye we thought it would work, and it did. So... we bolted that one on, hooked the tranny up (which seemed to gain a 1000 lbs from the last time we lifted it, and jacked up the hoist again. She slid in nicely I must say. I just need to get a couple new bolts for the cross-member and we'll move on from there.
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