Monday, February 22, 2010

Looks like you need something to cool you off

I've been window shopping radiators.  I know with an old muscle car the radiator is one of the main components to keeping her alive and away from the backyard musuem.  Radiators can cost a pretty penny for a good one, so I was in no rush.  Then my cousin Larry started talking about how he had a custom 5 core racing radiator built for his Ram Charger.  We just joked around about it at first, but the next thing I know we have a tape measure in hand and numbers are being tossed around.  Could it work? 
The radiator has been quietly sitting in his Ram Charger for a bit.  The Ram Charger calls its home the forest where it was parked this last summer.  It looks rough, but it has all the goodies with a 360 under the hood that will crank over without hesitation.  So we went to investigate.
After a pee incident, a couple cigars, and running the numbers again twice over, we removed the radiator and it headed for its new home in Rusty.

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